Grinfy Monitoring and Analyzing makes it possible to collect online data about:
- Engine vibrations
- The voltage of each phase
- The intensity of each phase
- Active power, apparent power
- The temperature of the air inlet
- Temperature at the clutch
- Other
Additionally Grinfy Monitoring and Analyzing offers functionalities such as:
- Detection of anomalies (including machine damage)
- Predictive maintenance
- Alarm functionality
Grinfy Monitoring and Analyzing contains the following modules:
- Online web application (statistic, configuration module)
- Mobile applications
- Hardware modules for collecting information about electric power and from different sensors (temperature, vibration, …)
- R server
- Modbus client
Grinfy Monitoring and Analyzing can be used to monitor and retrieve information from:
- big machine tool (Coburg), blower, super charger, or others by collecting data from the main electric connection or from sensors
- building, office the main electric connection
- photovoltaic panels and farms
Analysis of machine work
- Alerts (threshold)
- Detection of anomalies (Environment R – ARIMA + linear regression)
- Detection of anomalies (artificial intelligence – neural networks)
- Damage prediction (statistics, trends)