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Miło nam poinformować iż od 30 listopada 2018 roku adres firmy Grinfinity Sp. z o.o.został zmieniony na:

ul. Plac Andersa 7

61-894 Poznan

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Nowy Prezes firmy Grinfinity

Firma Grinfinity informuje iż Marcin Adamski, zastąpił Kamila Nawrockiego na stanowisku Prezesa firmy Grinfinity

Firma Grinfinity dziękuje Kamilowi za dwa lata ciężkiej pracy dla firmy Grinfinity: "... życzymy Tobie wszystkiego najlepszego w nowej pracy i życzymy kolejnych sukcesów. Wszystkiego dobrego..."

There is a new version Grinfy M&A!

Grinfy M&A is  a platform for monitoring and control of IT infrastructure, machine as well as other devices utilizing our proprietary know-how and the most modern technologies: Industrial IoT, Artificial Intelligence, R framework and other.

Grinfy is designed to help its customers analyse their infrastructure, detect anomalies, carry out predictive maintenance and find configurations that optimise overall efficiency to decrease costs for the company. The broad scope of existing and potential customers includes large/medium industrial corporations and energy/gas sector.

To boost the polish economy all over the world in 2018

The President of Grinfinity was among 200 leading representatives of business, government administration, local government, agencies and institutions attending the meeting devoted to the Economic Diplomacy on foreign markets. The event was organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the beginning of this week.
Building and promoting the strength of Poland brand requires active involvement of the MFA’s economic diplomacy and all polish market participants. Supporting Polish start-ups and high-tech solutions in the sector of green technologies will be the core of the MFA’s actions and efforts in the upcoming year.


All-Poland Civic Energy Congress

Grinfinity took part in the All-Poland Civic Energy Congress with the participation of Mr Michał Kurtyka, Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Energy.

Civic Energy is a very popular pro-social idea comprising more and more citizens, community and organizations around the world. This idea encourages to become an active and aware Prosumer. The one who can revolutionize the way of generating and using energy. For that energy transition is needed: appropriate regulatory frameworks, property rights and standard modes of business organization. During the Congress, there were lots of discussions on how Poland can implement and benefit from the
civic energy best practices from EU. Mr Kurtyka emphasized the role of Poland in promoting the idea of energy clusters created together with the European Commission. Such clusters can contribute to increasing the energy potential of the individual. The Congress also concerned the subjects of start-ups, ways of financing ventures and the Polish power energy market.

Energetyka Obywatelska